Object Properties Tables
These tables provide more detail about each of the objects in Labvanced. They are arranged by order of appearance in the menu from top to bottom.
General Object Properties
Property Name | Data Type | Modifiable, How | Frame Type | Description |
Name | String | Yes, text box | Canvas & Page | The name of the object. The name is used many times as reference to the object (i.e. within events), so it should be unique. |
Visibility | Numeric (0-1) | Yes, checkbox | Canvas | The transparency value of the object. With a value of 0 the object will the completely invisible; a value of 1 is completely visible. |
Active | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Canvas & Page | Determines whether the object is active and can be changed during the experiment execution. If set to false, the object will not elicit any actions. |
X | Numeric (0- width of frame) | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | The X position of the object. |
Y | Numeric (0-height of frame) | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | The Y position of the object. |
Width | Numeric (0-width of frame) | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | The width of the object. |
Height | Numeric (0-width of frame) | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | The height of the object. |
Anchor | Categorical (1-9) | Yes, select option | Canvas | The anchor sets the "position reference point" of the object. By default, this is the top left corner. |
Scaling | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | Changes the scale / zoom of the element. Larger values will zoom-in the element. |
Rotation | Numeric (0-359) | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | Changes the object's rotation. 0 is the default upright position. |
Keep aspect ratio | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Canvas | Determines whether the object's aspect ratio is kept when the object is rescaled. |
Border-Size | Numeric (0-INF) | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | Changes the object's border size. 0 will show no border. |
Border-Color | Hex String (Color) | Yes, select option | Canvas | Changes the object's border color. |
Background (BG)-Color | Hex String (Color) | Yes, select option | Canvas | Changes the object's background color. By default there will be no color / transparent. |
Roundness | Numeric (0-1) | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | Changes the object's roundness. 1 is a completly round object, 0 is a completely square object. |
Overflow-X | Categorical (Hidden,Auto,Visible) | Yes, select option | Canvas | Determines whether the object will have a visible scrollbar in the X dimension. |
Overflow-Y | Categorical (Hidden,Auto,Visible) | Yes, select option | Canvas | Determines whether the object will have a visible scrollbar in the Y dimension. |
Scroll Margin | Numeric | Yes, text or arrows | Canvas | Determines the margin of the scroll bar in percent. |
Change CSS Properties | CSS code | Yes, checkbox and text box | Canvas | Changes an aspect of the object's appearance using CSS code. |
Selectable | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Canvas | Determines whether the object can be selected / highlighted during the experiment execution. |
Draggable | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Canvas | Determines whether the object can be dragged during the experiment execution. |
Resizable | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Canvas | Determines whether the object can be rescaled during the experiment execution. |
Shuffle Page Position | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Page | Determines whether the object's position on a page will be randomized for between-subject balancing. |
Visible | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, select option | Page | Determines whether the object is shown or not. If the object is not shown, other objects will re-flow automatically. |
Margin | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, text or arrows | Page | Changes the left, right, top, and bottom margin properties for the element. |
Padding | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, text or arrows | Page | Changes the left, right, top, and bottom padding properties for the element. |
Note: The Anchor Point
The Anchor point of the object is the point that will be located at the set X and Y coordinates. By default, the Anchor point (or origin) of the object's position is the top left corner, so the X,Y coordinates will apply to the top-left-most point on the object. To center an object on a given X,Y coordinate, change the Anchor point to the center box.
Media Object Properties
In addition to the general properties shown above, many objects have unique properties. This table details properties of Image, Video, Audio, Audio Recording, and I-Frame objects.
Property Name | Data Type | Modifiable, How | Object Type | Description |
Filename | String | Yes, text box | Image, Video & Audio | The given name of the file. |
Select File (Folder Icon) | Function | Yes, click on icon | Image, Video & Audio | A click on the folder icon opens the file manager to choose an existing file or upload and select a new file. |
Stimulus Info | String | Yes, text box | Image | A modifiable property that can be used to store dynamic stimulus information during the experiment execution. |
Stretch to Fit Bounding Box | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Image | When activated, stretches the image to completely fill the bounding box. |
Bounding Box Fit | Function | Yes, click on icon | Image | Upon clicking "Fit," the bounding box will be cropped to the dimensions of the image. |
Auto Fit Bounding Box with Image | Function | Yes, checkbox | Image | When activated, |
Volume | Function | Yes, text or arrows | Video & Audio | Used to set the relative volume for a video or audio object. Ranges from 0 to 1. |
Show Media Controls | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Video & Audio | Select whether the control panel (play button, etc.) should be visible during experiment execution. |
Play/Pause File | Function | No | Video & Audio | This feature can be used to Play/Pause a video or audio file within the task editor to preview it. |
Show Question Header | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Audio & Video Recording | This option will show or hide the integrated header text element. The header can be edited the same way as a text element by double clicking it. |
Required | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Audio & Video Recording | When activated, causes the object to be required to be used. "Jump To" actions will check whether all required answers are fulfilled before being executed. |
Bit Rate | Function | Yes, select option | Audio Recording | Choose either 128 Kbps or 320 Kbps as the bit rate for the recording. |
Linked Variable | Variable | Yes, pen or link icon | Audio & Video Recording | Points to the variable where the path to the recorded file is stored. This variable can be edited by clicking the pen icon or changed by clicking the link icon. |
Recording Type | Function | Yes, select option | Video Recording | Select what will be recorded: the participant (using their computer camera) or the participant's screen. It is possible to record both by using 2 video recording objects. |
Show Recorded Video | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Video Recording | Select if the participant should be able to review the recorded video. |
Show Live Video | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Video Recording | Select if the participant should see the recording as it happens during the experiment (see themselves being recorded). |
Show Recording Button | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Audio & Video Recording | This option will show or hide the Recording Button. |
Show Play Button | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Audio Recording | This option will show or hide the Play Button. |
Show Upload Button | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Audio Recording | This option will show or hide the Upload Button. |
Show Seekbar | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Audio Recording | This option will show or hide the Seekbar. |
Target URL | String | Yes | I-Frame | This determines the target URL for the I-Frame |
Shape and Text Object Properties
Property Name | Data Type | Modifiable | Object Type | Description |
Linked Variables | Variable Array | No | Display Text | The Linked Variables field lists all variables that are inserted / rendered within the Display Text Element. |
Buttons and Navigation Object Properties
Property Name | Data Type | Modifiable, How | Object Type | Description |
Add Button | Function | Yes, click plus icon | Button & Navigation | Adds a new button to the frame. |
Remove Button | Function | Yes, click trash icon | Button & Navigation | Removes a button from the frame. |
Button Color | Hex String (Color) | Yes, RGB selector | Button & Navigation | The color of the button when it has not been clicked and the mouse is not hovering over it. Green by default. |
Hover Color | Hex String (Color) | Yes, RGB selector | Button & Navigation | The color of the button when the mouse is hovering over it. Lighter green than Button Color by default. |
Fill Box | Function | Yes, checkbox | Button & Navigation | Determines if the text label of the button should be centered to "fill" the button. Checked by default. |
Progress Type | Categorical (Fixed / Variable) | Yes, choose icon | Progress Bar | This option can be used to set either a fixed progress value or a dynamic progress values by linking the value to a variable. |
Progress | Numeric (0-100) | Yes, text box | Progress Bar | Fixed progress value of the progress bar element. |
Linked Variable | Variable | Yes, variable menu | Progress Bar | The Linked Variable field points to the variable where the current value of the progress bar is stored. |
Question Object Properties
Property Name | Data Type | Modifiable, How | Object Type | Description |
Randomize Item Order | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Checkbox, Multiple Choice, Matrix | Shuffles the order of the items in the object, resulting in a different order for each participant. |
Show Question Header | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Checkbox, Multiple Choice, Likert, Matrix | This option will show or hide the integrated header text element. Checked by default. |
Required | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Checkbox, Multiple Choice, Likert, Matrix | When checked, the object is required to be answered / used. "Jump To" actions will check whether all required answers are fulfilled before being executed. |
Add Checkbox | Function | Yes, plus icon | Checkbox | Adds a new checkbox to the checkbox element. New items are added as new variables and require unique names. |
Remove Checkbox | Function | Yes, trash icon | Checkbox | Removes the last checkbox element from the checkbox element. |
Add Option | Function | Yes, plus icon | Multiple Choice | Adds a new option to the multiple choice element. |
Delete Option | Function | Yes, trash icon | Multiple Choice | Removes the last option from the multiple choice element. |
Linked Variables | Variable Array | Yes, variable menu | Checkbox,Matrix | The Linked Variables field is a list of all variables which are associated /linked to the respective element. Each variable points to the current answer / selection of the associated element. |
Linked Variable | Variable | Yes, variable menu | Multiple Choice,Likert | The Linked Variable field points to the variable where the current answer / selection of the element is stored. |
Entry / Variable Value | String | Yes, textboxes | Multiple Choice | The table lists all option of the multiple choice elements. The "Variable Value" field can be use to change the associated variable value for each option. Option labels can be changed. |
Allow Custom Answer | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Multiple Choice | When this option is activated, a blank text box will be shown as an "custom answering option." Adds the new text option as a new variable. |
Show only if last option is selected | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Multiple Choice | When this option is activated, the "custom answering option" will only be shown if the last option of the multiple choice element is selected as a response. |
Custom- Show Question Header | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Multiple Choice | Shows a new question header for the custom answering option. |
Custom- Required | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Multiple Choice | Makes the custom answering option required to continue the experiment. This can be changed dynamically with events, but only applies if the object is visible. |
Custom- Input Type | Categorical (Number, Text, Date, Time, Color) | Yes, select from menu | Multiple Choice | Select the type of response you want the participant to use for the custom answering option (number, text, date, time, or color). |
Custom- Focused | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, select from menu | Multiple Choice | Choose if the custom answering option is focused (true or false). |
Custom- Linked Variable | Variable | Yes, variable menu | Multiple Choice | The Linked Variable field points to the variable where the participant's open response to the custom answering option is stored. |
Custom- Min and Max Value | Numeric | Yes, textboxes | Multiple Choice | If the input type for the custom answering option is numeric, set the smallest and largest numbers that a participant can input. |
Custom- Max Number of Characters | String | Yes, textbox | Multiple Choice | If the input type for the custom answering option is text, set the maximum number of characters that a participant can input. |
Show Numbers | Boolean (true / false) | Yes checkbox | Likert | This option controls whether the numbers are shown above the selection options or not. |
Balance Label Sides | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Likert | Activating this option will randomly assign your labels to the left and right sides for between-subject balancing (i.e. option A is on the left for some subjects and on the right for others). |
Numbers from | Categorical (1-12) | Yes, dropdown menu | Likert | This chooses the starting number of the element. |
Numbers to | Categorical (1-12) | Yes, dropdown menu | Likert | This chooses the end number of the element.. |
Inner Margin | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, textbox or arrows | Likert | This can be used to adjust the horizontal margin between the options inside the element. |
Number of Choices | Function | Yes, plus or trash icon | Matrix | Adds/deletes options in the matrix element. Labels above the options can be changed. |
Insert / Delete from | Categorical (top, bottom, left, right) | Yes dropdown menu | Matrix | This can be used to specify from where entries should be added or removed. Insert / remove elements from the top/bottom (for questions), left/right (for choices). |
Number of Questions | Function | Yes, plus or trash icon | Matrix | Adds/deletes questions in the matrix element. Question labels can be changed. Each question also creates a new variable to store responses. |
Left-Right Ratio | Numeric (0-100) | Yes, text or arrows | Matrix | This can be used to adjust how much space (in %) the choice columns should have compared to the questions. |
Outer Margin | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, text or arrows | Matrix | This can be used to adjust the outer margin of the element. |
Input Object Properties
Property Name | Data Type | Modifiable, How | Object Type | Description |
Show Question Header | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Input, Paragraph | This options will show or hide the integrated header text element. |
Required | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Input, Paragraph | When activated this element will be required to be answered / used. "Jump To" actions will check whether all required answers are fulfilled before being executed. |
Input Type | Categorical(Number, Text, Date, Time, Color) | Yes, dropdown menu | Input | Depending on input type, the input field will either ask for a text input, a numeric input, a date, a time, or a color. The input type also decides which data type the associated variable will have. |
Focused | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, dropdown menu | Input | Choose if the object is focused (true/false) |
Linked Variable | Variable | Yes, variable menu | Input, Paragraph | The Linked Variable field points to the variable where current answer / selection of the element is stored. |
Date Format | String | Yes, dropdown menu | Input, Paragraph | This option is only shown if the input type selected is "date." Select if the date should be read as browser-locale (set the date to the date of the local browser), yyyy-mm-dd, dd.mm.yyyy, or mm/dd/yyyy where "dd" is the 2-digit day, "mm" is the 2-character month, and "yyyy" is the 4-digit year. |
Min-Value | Numeric (-Inf + Inf) | Yes, text box | Input | The Min-Value is optional for numeric inputs and will set the requirement for the minimum value that is regarded valid. |
Max-Value | Numeric (-Inf + Inf) | Yes, text box | Input | The Max-Value is optional for numeric inputs and will set the requirement for the maximum value that is regarded valid. |
Max-Nr-Chars | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, text box | Input | The Max-Nr-Chars is optional for text inputs and will set the requirement for the maximum number of characters which can be used. |
Inner Height | Numeric (0-100) | Yes, text or arrows | Paragraph | This option will change the relative inner height of paragraph elements. |
Inner Width | Numeric (0-100) | Yes, text or arrows | Paragraph | This option will change the relative inner width of paragraph elements. |
Outer Height | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, text or arrows | Paragraph | This option is only available on page frames. It can be used to change the total height of paragraph elements. |
Various Object Properties
Property Name | Data Type | Modifiable | Object Type | Description |
Show Question Header | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Range, Selection, Sortable, Upload | This options will show or hide the integrated header text element. |
Linked Variable | Variable | Yes, variable menu | Range, Selection, Sortable, Upload | The Linked Variable field points to the variable where current answer / selection or file-path of the element is stored. |
Required | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Selection, Upload | When activated, this element will be required to be answered / used. "Jump To" actions will check whether all required answers are fulfilled before being executed. |
Values from | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, text or arrows | Range | The minimum value of the range element. |
Values to | Numeric (0-Inf) | Yes, text or arrows | Range | The maximum value of the range element. |
Show Numbers | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Range | This option can be used to show or hide the numbers above the range element. |
List Use | Categorical (Predefined List / Create Manually) | Yes, select option | Selection | This option determines whether the selection list is created manually or a pre-defined list (either languages or countries, from the Labvanced library) will be used. |
Add (Selection Item) | Function | Yes, plus icon | Selection | Add a new selection option to the list. Only used for manually created lists. |
Available Options (Text Entry) | String | Yes, text box | Selection | The text entry depicts the text string shown as a selectable option in the dropdown list. |
Available Options (Variable Value) | String | Yes, text box | Selection | The variable value depicts the value of the associated variable when this option is selected in the dropdown list.. |
Activate Sorting / Disable Text Editing | Boolean (true / false) | Yes, checkbox | Sortable | This option switches between the ability to edit the text labels of the sortable objects and the ability to sort those objects. |
Add Element | Function | Yes, plus icon | Sortable | This add another item to the sortable list. |
Current Sorted State | Table | Yes, pen or trash icon | Sortable | The Current Sorted State table lists all items in the sortable list with their respective indices. The associated variable values are shown in the "Element Names" column. Entries can be edited and deleted. |
Show Selected Filename | Boolean (true /false) | Yes, checkbox | Upload | This option will show or hide the Selected File Name. |
Show Browse Button | Boolean (true /false) | Yes, checkbox | Upload | This option will show or hide the Browse Button. |
Show Upload Button | Boolean (true /false) | Yes, checkbox | Upload | This option will show or hide the Upload Button. |