About Us
Our Background
Professional online studies become more and more popular in both academia and other types of research. Our team has a strong scientific background and we have conducted several online studies ourselves during our own PhDs. However, until LabVanced was lauched in 2018, no online platform was yet able to combine all the advantages of online research into one single application. This is essentially what Labvanced is today, an all-in-one solution for web based research.
Over the last 3 years Labvanced improved and was extended dramatically, such that today our platform enables researchers to design the most professional and complex web based studies with the ease of a graphical interface. With our technology you can perform precise behavioral (decision making, reation times, video recordings,...) and physiological measurements (eye tracking, pulse measurement, emotion detection), share and collaborate with your colleages, use crowdsourcing to recruit thousands of subjects, and a lot more.
»Our Goal is to be the internet platform where the most professional and ambitious online studies are created.«
The Team

Dr. rer. nat. Caspar Goeke
CEO, Programmer
Caspar completed his PhD in Cognitive Science with a major focus on human navigation and methological innovation in the field of online experiments. His areas of expertise comprise cognitive psychology, experimental design, statistics and data analysis. At Scicovery, Caspar is responsible for frontend development, project management, customer relations, and personnel.
[email protected]
Dr. rer. nat. Holger Finger
CTO, Programmer
Holger studied Physics (BSc) and Neural Systems and Computations (MSc) both at the ETH Zurich. He obtained a doctorate in natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Osnabrück. He is an expert in computer simulations,neural modeling and machine learning with a focus on deep learning. At Scicovery, he is the software architect supervising the technical development.
[email protected]
Dorena Diekamp
Interaction Designer
Dorena studied Media & Interaction Design at the University of Applied Science in Osnabrueck. Her skills include usability engineering, interface-, web- and graphic design. At Scicovery, Dorena is concerned with the optimization of the interface, the marketing and the design of a corporate identity.
[email protected]
Tobiasz Kaduk
Researcher and Programmer
Tobiasz graduated Computer Engineering at Solent University. Currently, he is a PhD student in the European school of the network neuroscience at the Institute of Cognitive Science, The University of Osnabrück. His job position is a part of the Marie Curie grant which we participate together with more than 10 top international Universities. At Scicovery, he is responsible for the research and front end development.
[email protected]Our Technology
Combining study design, recording and analysis into one software solution together with the possibilities of an online service, offers scientists as well as market and product researchers enormous advantages. With our software, study design will be much more efficient as people can share and reuse the design of existing studies or experiments. Our software offers the potential to design studies from simple to arbitrary complexity, all without the need to program a single line of code! After publishing the study directly on our website, participant data can be acquired much faster and cheaper compared to lab based recordings . Besides online participant recruitment and participation by experimenter's invitation, we can recruit special focus groups by database search and also offer build in crowdsourcing capabilities (i.e. Amazon Mechanical Turk). In the future, we will also provide automated analysis and data visualizations, which will increase the speed of your publication or market research.
Advisory board

Prof. Dr. Peter Koenig
University of Osnabrueck

Prof. Dr. Klaus Gramann
Technical University Berlin

Oded Flascher
Co-Owner and CEO of Binderr LLC

Fabian Harmik Stelzer
CEO at EyeQuant