Dataview and Variable & Task Selection (OLD Version)
The Dataview & Export tab has two data tables. The upper data table displays a new entry (row) for each recording or subject. The information in the upper table shows all recorded system variables, as well as two identifiers (exp_subject_id, exp_session_id) and whether the recording session was completed or not. The rows in the upper table can be selected (with a mouse click), upon which the respective row is highlighted in blue.
All recorded task / trial data for the current selected recording is shown in the lower data table. Here, you will see a new data entry (row) for each new trial and the variables separated by columns. Each task has least 1 trial (even instruction tasks). Many variables are only recorded in one task, but the data view lists all variables by default. Because of this, there will be quite a few empty cells for many tasks / trials because a particular variable was not recorded on that task.
Both data tables can be sorted with respect to a selected column. A double-click on a column will re-sort all the data alphabetically based on that column (e.g. sorting according to the trial number in the lower table). Furthermore, both tables have an input-filter function. This can be useful if you want to search for a particular recording entry or if you only want to select a certain subset of the recorded data. The search can be even more customized by opening the search dialog box ("search..."). Here, you can enter a search query / desired value individually for each recorded variable.
Variable & Task Selection
To provide an even more intuitive data view, users can also filter variables (columns) and tasks (rows). The variable filter can be opened via a click on the icon with the 3 vertical bars (|||). Each variable can be selected or deselected via a checkbox. You will only see (and later export) variables which are selected. There is also a toggle button (toggle all), which will show / hide all variables. This toggle option can be particularly useful if you have many variables but only want to export a few of them. In this case, first deselect all variables using the toggle button, then check the variables which you would like to inspect /download.
You can also filter in and out entire tasks. This can be useful if you want to ignore certain tasks such as instruction tasks, or if you want to analyze only one particular task. You can open the task filter by clicking on the respective button in the left-column menu. Here, you will see a list of all tasks in your experiment and you can select or deselect each task individually. Data for deselected tasks will not be shown or exported.